44 research outputs found

    A scalability analysis of grid allocation mechanisms

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    This article examines the broker's behavior with regard to a varying number of participating nodes and shows that incremental losses have to be accepted in central resource allocation when introducing new nodes. --Grid Computing

    CATNETS Final Activity Report

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    Analysis of simulation environment

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    In this paper the requirements for an ALN simulation environment are analysed, as needed in the CATNETS Project. A number of grid and general purpose simulators are evaluated regarding the identified requirements for simulating economical resource allocation mechanisms in ALNs. Subsequently a suitable simulator is chosen for usage in the CATNETS project. --CATNETS simulator,requirements analysis,simulator selection

    Simulator Development - Annual Report Year 2

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    In this paper the simulation environment for the CATNETS project is defined further. The chosen simulator is adopted in terms of new features an architecture changes in order to provide a valid simulation environment for Application Layer Network scenarios. Furthermore the requirements for a scenario generator and the needed configuration mechanisms for the actual simulation runs are introduced. --Grid Computing

    Evaluation and metrics framework

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    In this paper a metrics framework for evaluating different scenarios in the CATNETS project is defined. The aim is to use this framework to compare the catallactic scenario against the central auctioneer. --Grid Computing

    Simulator Development - Annual Report Year 3

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    This document describes the progress of the simulator development with in the third year of the CATNETS project. The refinement of the simulator as well as a detailed guide to conducting simulations is presented. --Grid Computing

    Theoretical and Computational Basis for CATNETS - Annual Report Year 2

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    In this work the self-organising potential of the CATNETS allocation mechanism is described to provide a more comprehensive view on the research done in this project. The formal description of either the centralised and decentralised approach is presented. Furthermore the agents' bidding model is described and a comprehensive overview on how the catallactic mechanism is incorporated into the middleware and simulator environments is given. --Decentralized Market Mechanisms,Centralized Market Mechanisms,Catallaxy,Market Engineering,Simulator Integration,Prototype Integration

    Theoretical and Computational Basis for CATNETS - Annual Report Year 3

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    In this document the developments in defining the computational and theoretical framework for economical resource allocation are described. Accordingly the formal specification of the market mechanisms, bidding strategies of the involved agents and the integration of the market mechanisms into the simulator were refined. --Grid Computing